Terra Botanica Angers

Terra Botanica: Extraordinary Gardens

©S. Gaudard , Terra Botanica

Are you ready for a botanical round-the-world-tour? At the heart of Terra Botanica and its extraordinary gardens, perk up your ears and open your eyes wide. With each season’s arrival, admire the shimmering and changing colours in a park that is unique in Europe.

Delight in Nature’s Wonders

The first European park that is purely dedicated to plants, Terra Botanica welcomes over 290,000 visitors each year, inviting them to discover plants and flowers from 5 continents—500,000 to be exact. Here, you can unearth their secrets: phosphorescent flowers, thousand-year old trees, carnivorous plants, forgotten vegetable varieties, and an exceptional collection of orchids, roses, palm trees, and more. Travel through the tropical jungle or arid deserts, the primary forests or lovely paths in the rose garden, and the Asian rice paddies or the Mediterranean terraces. 


Your visit is also punctuated by a number of games and attractions, like the emblematic balloon that flies over the park. In the footsteps of René Gasnier, the pioneer of civil aviation who learned how to tame the skies here, the 34-metre-diameter tethered balloon—the world’s biggest and the only one in the west of France – raises 30 passengers to 150 meters above Terra Botanica. From its basket, the view over the park is breathtaking. Back on the ground, embark on Odyssée Botanique, where you’ll sail past medicinal plants, grapevines, and flowers on a traditional gabare boat.


Between the butterfly conservatory, the 2000 species of orchids, or the dynamic 4D adventure, you’ll enjoy a day that is full of surprises. Don’t forget to cultivate your green awareness—the park offers an array of tips that introduces you to natural gardening.

Practical information

Terra Botanica
route d'Epinard
BP 80 609
49106 ANGERS